Tietotaito Group
Tietoa kohteesta Tietotaito Group Odoosta, Avoimen lähdekoodin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä (ERP).
Asennetut ohjelmistot
- Myynti
- From quotations to invoices
- Laskutus
- Invoices & Payments
- Track leads and close opportunities
- Verkkosivu
- Enterprise website builder
- Varasto
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Hankinnat
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- Työntekijät
- Centralize employee information
- Data Recycle
- Find old records and archive/delete them
- Document Management System
- Document Management System to manage your company documents inside odoo properly.
- VPCS Survey Save
- VPCS Survey Save
- eLearning
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- Viestintä
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Yhteystiedot
- Centralize your address book
- Kalenteri
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Blogit
- Publish blog posts, announces, news
- Kyselyt
- Send your surveys or share them live.
Installed Localizations / Account Charts
- Finnish Invoice
- Suomalainen laskupohja
- Finnish Invoice Delivery Date
- Toimituspäivä laskulle